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Centro de Investigación

The characterization by de novo peptide sequencing of the different protein nucleoside diphosphate kinase B (NDK B) from all the commercial hakes and grenadiers belonging to the family Merlucciidae is reported. A classical proteomics approach, consisting of two-dimmensional gel electrophoresis, tryptic in-gel digestion of the excised spots, MALDI-TOF MS, LC-MS/MS, and nanoESI-MS/MS analyses, was followed for the purification and characterization of the different isoforms of the NDK B. Fragmentation spectra were used for de novo peptide sequence. A high degree of homology was found between the sequences of all the species studied and the NDK B sequence from Gillichthys mirabilis, which is accessible in the protein databases. Particular attention was paid to the differential characterization of species-specific peptides that could be used for fish authentication purposes. These findings allowed us to propose a rapid and effective classification method, based in the detection of these biomarker peptides using the selective ion reaction monitoring (SIRM) scan mode in mass spectrometry.

Mtro. Gallardo Montoya J.


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